Functional Rehabilitation

Bellevue Chiropractic Associates - Functional Rehabilitation
If you are like most of us the majority of your day is split between sitting in a car, working at a desk, and finally relaxed on a couch before starting over again. It makes sense that these poor postures and habits will take their toll over time. Your body’s structure directly affects its ability to function optimally. Unfortunately, many people wait until their bodies break down before seeking professional advice.

First Move Well, Then Move Often

Once we have a complete understanding of what brings you in we will literally start from the ground up and guide you one-on-one through a targeted program to rehabilitate your specific issue for good!

Many patients remark the common sense approach and level of detail are completely different from previous experiences with physical therapy. At the conclusion of your care you will know how to avoid common movement faults that get people into trouble, and ultimately how to keep your problem from coming back!

Meet Your Doctors

Brock Barnick

Brock Barnick


Dr. Barnick is the owner and clinical director of BCA. He loves the natural approach to health care that chiropractic promotes. By clinical and personal experience he is acutely aware of how effective chiropractic adjustments are in enhancing sports performance and avoiding sports injuries. 

Call now to schedule your appointment

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